Minister for Energy Nick Duigan has extraordinarily claimed that he needn’t be aware of significant changes proposed to TasNetworks – despite being the shareholder Minister responsible for the GBE.
TasNetworks appear to be executing a privatisation by stealth agenda, rushing through the process without appropriate consultation.
Speaking to the Joint Select Committee on Energy Matters, Minister Duigan suggested that a proposed restructure was a purely operational matter that didn’t concern him, which is an unbelievable admission to make.
The Minister’s latest lack of focus is the perfect example of this Liberal government’s continued failure to manage Tasmania’s GBEs.
Under the Liberals, there is no oversight or accountability when it comes to our GBEs, and Ministers are asleep at the wheel.
Given what’s happened with the Spirits, you’d think the Liberals would have learned their lesson, but clearly they haven’t.
We again call on the Premier and Minister to intervene and pause the process, come clean on their intentions and allow for more time to consult with the Tasmanians this directly affects.
Janie Finlay MP
Shadow Minister for Energy & Renewables