In a desperate attempt to cover up his extraordinary failure to progress the DAPs legislation, humiliated Minister Felix Ellis has resorted to blatant deception.
Labor has always supported the legislation and we voted for it. The Minister is just looking for a way to deflect the blame for his failure to get it across the line with the majority of the legislative council
Labor MLCs also voted with the Government to adjourn debate when a motion was moved by Mike Gaffney MLC.
This motion was defeated, but not 15 minutes later the Government tried to move essentially the same motion again – despite the house already making its will clear.
Minister Ellis’ entirely predictable reaction reflects the exact reason his bill failed in the first place.
His ham-fisted approach and desire to play politics with the issue rather than actually effect much-needed change left everyone with a bad taste.
Just like the rest of his growing list of failures, Minister Ellis has no one to blame about DAPs failing than himself and the Premier.
Sarah Lovell MLC
Leader of Opposition Business in the Legislative Council