The latest retail trade data is yet more evidence of Tasmania's economic decline under Jeremy Rockliff's Minority Liberal Government.
Tasmania was the only state or territory to see retail trade go backwards in trend terms.
Total retail trade is now back to the same level it was in January, meaning there has been no growth whatsoever this year. Tasmania is again the only state where this is the case.
The fact is Jeremy Rockliff has wrecked the budget and his unstable minority government seems incapable of getting anything done. This is understandably damaging consumer and business confidence.
It's why five thousand jobs have been lost since Jeremy Rockliff started governing in minority, and why Tasmania has crashed down the national economic leaderboard.
The Premier needs to immediately back Labor's plan to double day sailings on the Spirits this summer, which would bring more tourists to Tasmania and provide a welcome boost for our retailers.
Josh Willie MP
Shadow Treasurer