Premier Rockliff’s $100,000 Bridgewater Bridge opening party is a perfect example of why Tasmania’s budget is completely blown on his watch.
The Premier has wrecked the budget so badly that he’s flogging off Tasmania’s assets to pay his credit card bill and cutting 2,500 workers from the public service.
But at the same he’s implementing a blanket hiring freeze across the public service, he’s dishing out $100,000 to an event planner to hold an opening party for the Bridgewater Bridge, which is $200 million over budget and a year late.
This kind of waste is clearly a bridge too far. What a slap in the face to Tasmanians.
Last night Saul Eslake declared that Tasmanians will be hurt because of the Liberal minority government’s budget mismanagement, and he reiterated that the main reason our finances are in such dire straits is because of this government’s wasteful spending.
Considering Premier Rockliff is throwing $100,000 parties to open infrastructure projects that are $200 million over budget, it’s easy to see why.
Josh Willie MP
Shadow Treasurer