Jeremy Rockliff can’t manage money. He’s destroyed the budget with wasteful spending and now he’s having a fire sale of Tasmania’s assets to pay down his debt.
Metro has already been forced to cut hundreds of services and Jeremy Rockliff’s plan to privatise Metro will lead to more cancelled services, higher bus fares, and jeopardise urgently needed driver safety measures.
The Liberals announced funding for driver safety screens and transit officers over 12 months ago, but we still haven’t seen them. Are the Liberals dragging their feet on the new safety screens because they’re hoping to avoid the cost altogether if Metro is sold off to the highest bidder?
Drivers continue to be subjected to dangerous working conditions and Minister Abetz should be moving heaven and earth to have the screens installed and new safety officers deployed.
It’s clear that Minister Abetz has no interest in the future of Metro and even joked in Parliament that he often wishes he wasn’t Transport Minister.
Metro workers deserve better than a Premier prepared to sell them out, and a Minister that wishes he wasn’t in the job.
Labor will stand up against the Premier’s desperate privatisation plans at every turn so Tasmanians can continue to rely on essential public services
Meg Brown MP
Shadow Minister for Transport