Premier Jeremy Rockliff is digging a huge debt-hole for Tasmania with his addiction to reckless spending showing no signs of letting up.
Yesterday, the Liberals dished out $1 million of taxpayer money to small businesses while the state’s finances sit in record debt and deficit.
While small business grants are a nice idea, handing out Tasmanian taxpayer money with no plan to pay for it is a sign of a reckless government with no regard for Tasmania’s future.
Earlier this month, Moody’s downgraded Tasmania’s credit outlook to negative from stable, citing “a weakening in the state’s governance” and a rising debt burden.
After 10 plus years of Liberal mismanagement, Tasmania’s finances are in need of desperate repair.
More debt-funded handouts from a desperate minority Liberal government spiralling deeper into debt by the day is going to make the problem worse.
Premier Rockliff needs to explain why he thinks this reckless spending is appropriate, what this latest round of debt-funded taxpayer money went towards, and how he’s going to pay for it
Josh Willie MP
Shadow Treasurer